News About: Pharm. Industry

“Unidentifiable, encrypted preparation information is not personal information” Kim & Jang argued

Sent from Ginus to IMS between October 2011 and December 2014, the number of patients’ medical prescription information was 720 million cases; sent from the Korea Pharmaceutical Information Center to IMS between Octob...

What are worst obstacles in generic product exportation?

“Due to different approval processes of each country, it is hard to handle smooth pharmaceutical exports to a new country.” “Since a number of exporting countries ask us to re-conduct equivalent tests and clinical tri...

A great number of Swedish pharmaceutical leaders visit Korea to discuss life science cooperation

    Embassy of Switzerland in Korea will hold the 2nd Swiss-Korean Life Science Symposium in cooperation with the Korea Health Industry Development Institute from the 22nd(Thursday) to 23rd(Friday) of October at JW ...

Aronamin’s significant growth expected to hit KRW 50 billion annual sales

It seems the Ildong Pharmaceutical’s most well-known OTC drug, Aronamin, will exceed the KRW 50 billion annual sales. The drug has attracted outstanding interests as becoming the first vitamin supplement which might ...

Will details about lecture and consultant fees be included in exception clause?

When it comes to ‘lecture and consultant fees,’ positive atmosphere has been sensed. The issue was limitation of the pharmaceutical industry which have no choice but to depend on voluntary restriction for lecture and ...

Stagnation of domestic growth hormone products

The growth hormone market, which has kept its growth every year, hit stagnation from this year. Particularly, as domestic companies which has occupied the market have been slow, market shares of imported pharmaceutica...

Health insurance benefit of severe COPD drugs expanded

The health insurance benefit standard of ‘Daxas,’ an oral COPD treatment, is anticipated to be expanded. According to the industry concerned on the 14th, the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service(HIRA) is curr...

“Multinational companies’ clinical studies bring KRW 52 billion domestic medical expense reduction effect”

It was researched multinational clinical studies which have been conducted by global pharmaceutical companies has made medical expense reduction worth of, at least, KRW 52 billion in the domestic market. According to...

Only 5 blockbusters among 26 domestically developed new drugs

Among domestically developed new drugs which were launched after 1999, there are only 5 blockbuster-level pharmaceutical products exceeding KRW 10 billion annual actual outputs, but the Boryung Pharm’s hypertension tr...

Abbott Korea launches film-type hepatitis B treatment for the first time

Today, Abbott Korea(CEO Yoo-seok Jung) launched ‘Filclude ODF(generic name: entecavir),’ the first film-type hepatitis B treatment, in respective 0.5mg and 1mg. ‘Filclude ODF,’...

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