News About: Pharm. Industry

Pharmaceutical industry, ‘Key to legend of global new treatment is select and concentration strategy’

Minister Jin-yup Jung of Health and Welfare announced the ministry will find a way to nurture the biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical industries and support them to expand to the global market at the meeting with the...

Will Green Cross challenge the domestic Lantus biosimilar market?

As Green Cross has made an attempt to avoid the patent of ‘Lantus,’ a Sanofi’s basal insulin, a background of the event has attracted interests. The substance patent of Lantus ...

Heads of big pharmaceuticals, ‘It is possible for any company to become next Hanmi’

Would it be possible for a company to continue the Hanmi Pharm’s success in technology export? According to general managers of Asia-Pacific Open Innovation Platform, such as CEOs at Sanofi and Roche, the possibility ...

“We have concern about damages of the Nagoya Protocol; the government must actively respond to it”

A request has been poured out that the government must take much aggressive positions to reduce damages which will be brought to domestic companies by the Nagoya Protocol. During the seminar to discuss capability of ...

Hanmi sees KRW 114.6 inflow, “This is the creative economy”

Hanmi Pharm announced an inflow of KRW 114.6 billion by the result of a series of technology exports. According to the official notice, Hanmi Pharm unveiled the company receive...

Mixed manufacturing results of different improved drugs per product

Leading improved drugs which positioned in the top 10 manufacturing performance list last year, faced mixed results in the first half. According to the first half’s manufacturing results reported to the Ministry of F...

Only 19 companies with over 10% operating sales ratios among listed pharmaceutical companies

It was observed there were only 19 companies which exceeded 10% of operating profit ratios among listed pharmaceutical companies. However, the pharmaceutical companies’ operating profit ratios, which were dropped due...

Reduction of sales management expenses lead to improvement of profitability

It seems listed pharmaceutical companies’ effort to reduce sales management expenses has led to improvement in profitability. According to the Yakup Shinmoon’s analysis result of the 3rd quarter’s performance reports...

Multinational pharmaceutical companies to prepare for the age of anticancer antibody

Multinational pharmaceutical companies, which entered the anticancer field with anticancer immunotherapies, have made severe competition to preoccupy the market. Recently, MSD Korea acquired approval to conduct clini...

Listed pharmaceutical companies catches two hares, called sales and profits

It was observed listed pharmaceutical companies recorded decent operating performance in both sales and profitability in the last 3rd quarter. According to the Yakup Shinmoon’s( analysis result of this ...

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