News About: Goverment

Health ministry seeking to publicize benefits of DRG formula

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has recently rolled its sleeves to promote the merits of DRG (Diagnosis Related Groups) plan. Under the DRG system, medical fees for treatment of seven diseases will be fixed and ...

Health insurance fee to readjust every June

The Ministry of Health and Welfare said Thursday that the scope of national health insurance (NHI) premiums will be determined at the end of June every year in an effort to reflect more accurate amount of national sub...

Government to select innovative pharmaceutical firms in June

The Ministry of Health and Welfare is under a final stage select 50 companies as “innovative pharmaceuticals,” subject to tax deduction, price raises, financial aid, research and development support and among other be...

"Fee-for-service” overpriced, civic groups claim

Two civic groups yesterday criticized general hospitals for overpricing their non-reimbursable service, such as MRI and CT tests or scans. A survey of 44 first-class hospitals and 291 general hospitals that their n...

HIRA discloses a list of 51 hospitals with lowest surgical mortality rates for cancer surgery

The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) announced Tuesday a list of 51 hospitals showing the lowest death rates for surgical treatments of three cancers. Based on the government’s study of 302 hos...

20 OTC drugs to be available at 24-hour convenient stores from November

Consumers will be able to buy 20 nonprescription drugs such as cold medicine over the counter at convenience stores from November 15, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The over the counter (OTC) drug...

Doctors, health ministry pole apart over DRG scheme

The tension between the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korean Medical Association (KMA) is undoubtedly culminating this month. Doctors are vehemently opposing the government’s plans to fix medical fees for...

Government set to expand DRG program

Korea will introduce the controversial Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) scheme in July as originally planned, the Ministry of Health and Welfare said Monday. In an international symposium held at the COEX Grand Ballr...

Proposed deal with Europe sparks debate in Canadian drug industry

There is a heated debate over Canada's intellectual property (IP) regime, and Canada stands to pay $2.8 billion more every year in drug costs while it undermines its generic-drug manufacturing sector, according to Edm...

Major parties to select heads of 18 standing committees

The ruling Saenuri Party and opposition Democratic United Party have begun negotiations to organize the new 19th National Assembly, which will convene on June 5. In an upcoming plenary session on June 5, the Assem...

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