News About: Goverment

Celgene Korea to negotiate Revlimid price

The National Health Insurance Corporation (NHIC) will decide Celgene’s cancer drug Revlimid to be put on the positive list and how much it will cost through negotiations with Celgene Korea, according to pharmaceutical...

5,175 drugs to be re-evaluated in 2013

The Korea Food and Drug Administration announced last Friday that a total of 5,175 products acting on nervous system will be re-evaluated next year as a regular program to assess their safety and efficacy. The drug...

Stomatitis patients up 21.8% in 5 years

Stomatis has increased by 21.8 percent or by a yearly average of 5.1 percentage points over the past five years, according to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service. Its report showed that the number of...

Concerns mounting over controversial contraceptive plan

The Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA)’s plan to reclassify contraception pills has finally foundered after some interest groups’ vehement opposition to the changes. Despite a series of public hearings on t...

Contraceptive flip-flop unleashes national debate

Korea's health and welfare ministry said Wednesday it will keep emergency contraceptive pills on the list of medicines that require prescriptions on worries that eased regulation could lead to the misuse of such birth...

Prescription rule remains unchanged for morning-after pills

The Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) announced Wednesday the results of their review as well as the reclassification of 504 types of medicine sold in Korea, which will ...

Government to monitor side effects of morning-after pills

The Korea Food and Administration said Wednesday that they will carefully monitor the side effects of the morning-after pills and also better educate the public on the effects and uses of birth control. The KFDA ma...

More pill prescriptions found in clinics

Patients were prescribed with an average of 3.84 pills per hospital visit last year, the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service said Monday. However, the drug agency found that doctors in clinics prescribed...

Government to readjust prices of 10 vaccines

The government plans to readjust the prices of ten essential vaccines to be used for hospitals and clinics, the Ministry of Health and Welfare said Tuesday. The measures is aimed at rationalizing the vaccine prices...

New service fees to rise

The government plans to impose new screening service charges to screen the approval of new drugs beforehand, the Korea Food and Drug Administration said Monday. Under the plan, the service fee for review of safety ...

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