News About: Pharm. Affairs

KPA to increase number of nighttime pharmacies to 70

In efforts to meet the growing demand for easier access to OTC drugs, the Korean Pharmaceutical Association is operating 59 pharmacies nationwide at night-times and holidays. However, critics say the number is a f...

210,000 people visit KPA website

A total of 215,776 people visited the website of the Korean Pharmaceutical Association to get information of 24-hour pharmacy during a three-day consecutive public holiday “Seolnal” between 2 and 4 February. The KP...

Public should get wider access to essential drugs

Pharmacists say essential drugs should be viable in the market to prevent any supply shortage. In a statement delivered to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Korean Pharmaceutical Association demanded essentia...

Nighttime pharmacy earns 290,000 won as daily sales

A nighttime emergency pharmacy gained the daily revenue of merely 290,000 won on average, according to a local survey. In a 108-day survey of nighttime pharmacies located in Seocho-ku, Seoul between September 6 to ...

Park Myung-hee to run in April 29 by-election

Park Myung-hee (Photo), incumbent vice chairman of the Korea Pharmaceutical Association, registered her with the National Election Committee as one of preliminary candidates for the ruling Grand National Party, look s...

Civic groups call for deregulation over OTC drugs

50 civic groups are renewing calls for the revision of the Korean Pharmaceutical Affairs Law to allow convenient stores to sell over-the-counter drugs, such as household medicines, without restriction. In an statem...

Pharmacists hold resolution meeting opposing OTC sale in supermarkets

The Korean Pharmaceutical Association (KPA), a lobby group for pharmacists, said Sunday it will not allow a single pill to be sold outside of pharmacies, claiming consumers can misuse or abuse the drugs if they’re so ...

Children vitamins to be pulled from pharmacy

Concerns are growing over a daily multi-vitamin for children as a local media MBC TV aired that vitamin products here are ineffective and might be harmful for children’s health due to the fact that they contains an ar...

Number of pharmacies tops 20,883

The Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs says Korea has a total of 20,883 pharmacies nationwide, with 33,221 pharmacists working for drugstores and hospitals as of June 30 last year. According to the surve...

Think tank calls for supermarket sales of over-the-counter drugs

The National Assembly Research Service has recently issued a statement supporting the sales of non-prescription drugs at convenient stores. There are relatively safe medicines which have little possibility of serio...

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