News About: Pharm. Industry

KPMA introduced full-time presidential system

The Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Association(KPMA) held a special general meeting June 28 to introduce full-time presidential system by revising its articles. Then the board nominated Kim Jung-soo, the former Wel...

Domestic pharmaceutical companies strongly oppose restriction on medicine replacement

Pharmaceutical corporations are criticizing the government for its inconsistent measures on medical reform program to separate roles of doctors and pharmacists. The government, as a countermeasure to doctor's strik...

No significant profit increase under medical reform program.

The pharmaceutical corporations funded by foreign capital analyzed, contrary to people's prediction, that the government separation plan of medical/pharmacy practice would not help them to expand their market share in...

Pharmaceutical companies to worry about upcoming financial crisis.

Pharmaceutical companies, whose monthly sale volume is decreasing by 20-30% under the influence of the plan to separate the roles of doctors and pharmacists, are worrying about liquidity problem, because the period of...

Greencross Vaccine Corp. announced middle & long-term management plan

Greencross Vaccine Corporation, born last March by strategic ties between Greencross and Lye-biotech, a multi-national bio-engineering company, came up with blue-print and started business June 19. According to th...

Small and medium sized drug companies face triplicate business difficulties.

Under the uncertain circumstances of impending medical and pharmacy separation program the clinics and pharmacies cautiously controlled their professional drug purchase from the drug companies. As a result, especially...

Partial sales of package drugs at wholesale and retail pharmacies may be granted.

Pharmacy practitioner may open the packaged prescription drug to sell partially to other pharmacies who asked for an urgent supply of such drugs to dispense physician's or dental doctor's prescriptions. However, the ...

Trial test result reveals many problems.

As reported previously the MOHW took a trial test for the medical and pharmacy separation program at 4 regions across the nation from June 7 to 10, and found out that pharmacies should keep a good inventory of prescri...

Korea Multinational Pharmaceutical Industry Association (KMPIA) authorized to establish.

In defiance of a bitter dissension from 5 medical and pharmaceutical organizations including the KPMA against the establishment of juridical corporate, KMPIA, the MOHW authoritzed it as of June 1 and stated that the a...

Listed drug company recorded 6.34% growth in FY1999

7 listed drug companies having fiscal year ended at March 31 took shareholders' meetings on May 27, which included Daewoong, Dongwha, Il Yang, Ildong, Bukwang, Kukje and Yuyu (Hanil on payment rescheduling excluded). ...

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