
MFDS indicates 6 substances of synthetic marijuana as temporary narcotic, like 5F-PCN’

Published: 2017-08-09 13:59:35
Updated: 2017-08-09 13:59:35

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) newly indicated 6 substances that are illegally used as a narcotic in Korea and other countries, including ‘5F-AB-FUPPYCA,’ as a temporary narcotic on the 7th of August and gave a notice for this.

The 6 substances(5F-AB-FUPPYCA, 5F-PCN, AB-CHFUPYCA, ADSB-FUB-187, JTE-7-31 and WIN 55,212-2) indicated and noticed as a temporary narcotic are a type of sy...


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